HL Deb 22 July 1988 vol 499 c1596

56 Clause 12, page 12, line 1 1, leave out from 'person' to 'the' in line 21 and insert 'committed under section 6 above is still in the United Kingdom after the expiration of the relevant period, he may apply to the High Court or the High Court of Justiciary for his discharge.

(1A) Unless he has instituted proceedings for judicial review of the Secretary of State's decision to order his return, the relevant period is—

  1. (a) the period of two months beginning with the first day on which, having regard to section 8(2) above, he could have been returned;
  2. (b) where a warrant for his return has been issued under section 9 above, the period of one month beginning with the day on which that warrant was issued.

(1B) If he has instituted such proceedings, the relevant period is the period expiring one month after they end.

(1C) Proceedings for judicial review end for the purposes of this section—

  1. (a) if they are discontinued, on the date of discontinuance; and
  2. (b) if they are determined, on the date on which (disregarding any power of a court to grant leave to appeal out of time) there is no further possibility of an appeal.

(1D) If upon an application under this section'.

Earl Ferrers

My Lords, I beg to move that the House do agree with the Commons in their Amendment No. 56. This is a technical amendment made necessary by the changes made to Clause 9 in this House. Clause 9 now incorporates a statutory period in which the fugitive may seek judicial review. The provisions in Clause 12 which enable a fugitive to be discharged if his surrender is delayed must be amended to take account of this. I commend the amendment to the House.

Moved, That the House do agree with the Commons in their Amendment No. 56,—(Earl Ferrers.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.