Lords Sitting of 28 January 1988 Series 5 Vol. 492

  1. Preamble 21 words
  2. cc717-9
  3. British Airways: EC Fares Policy 859 words
  4. cc719-22
  5. Agricultural Research: Policy Review 1,402 words
  6. cc722-5
  7. World Economic Growth 1,399 words
  8. cc725-6
  9. Small Businesses: Loans Scheme 550 words
  10. c726
  11. Business 135 words
  12. cc726-9
  13. Official Secrets Act 1,494 words
  14. cc729-39
  15. Local Government Bill 5,145 words, 1 division
  16. cc739-46
  17. School Closures in Scotland 3,421 words
  18. cc746-77
  19. Local Government Bill 16,216 words, 2 divisions
  20. c777
  21. Arms Control and Disarmament (Privileges and Immunities) Bill 110 words
  22. cc777-820
  23. Local Government Bill 22,286 words
  24. c820
  25. Income and Corporation Taxes Bill [H.L.] 22 words