Lords Sitting of 1 February 1988 Series 5 Vol. 492

  1. Preamble 22 words
  2. cc825-7
  3. NHS: Hip Replacement Operations 1,119 words
  4. cc827-8
  5. Whisky Exports: Japanese Tax 405 words
  6. cc828-31
  7. Fawley: Proposed Power Station 1,155 words
  8. cc831-3
  9. Education: Capital Expenditure 760 words
  10. c833
  11. Business 57 words
  12. c833
  13. Business of the House: Debate, 19th February 89 words
  14. cc833-99
  15. Local Government Bill 34,953 words, 2 divisions
  16. cc899-928
  17. Norfolk and Suffolk Broads Bill 14,997 words
  18. cc928-74
  19. Local Government Bill 23,251 words, 2 divisions