HL Deb 04 February 1988 vol 492 c1183
Lord Monkswell

My Lords, with the permission of the House, I should like to make a short personal statement in connection with the demonstration which occurred after the vote on Clause 28 last Tuesday. On that day, four young ladies were admitted to the visitors' gallery in my name. Until today I was under the impression that they were not involved in the demonstration. However, I have been advised that those young ladies were involved. On the basis of that advice, I tender my apologies to Black Rod and his staff for any difficulties that they had to contend with as a result of my actions. While neither condemning nor condoning the demonstration, I believe that it was understandable, given the results of the vote on Clause 28.

Noble Lords


Lord Monkswell

I conclude by repeating the words spoken by a 12 year-old girl yesterday as regards Clause 28: It is just what the Germans did to the Jews".

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