HL Deb 30 October 1986 vol 481 c873

23 Clause 21 , page 20, line 32, leave out "(1)" and insert "(7)". 24 Page 21, line 2, after "premises", insert "(other than a dwelling-house or any yard, garden, outhouses and pertinents belonging thereto or usually enjoyed therewith)".

Lord Glenarthur

My Lords, with the leave of the House, I beg to move that the House do agree with the Commons in their Amendments Nos. 23 and 24 en bloc. Amendment No. 23 merely corrects a printing error.

With regard to Amendment No. 24, it was made clear in another place that honourable Members were concerned about police powers to enter and search dwelling-houses without a search warrant in cases of urgency, even though there were reasonable grounds for suspecting that the offence of possession of illegally taken salmon had been committed and that relevant evidence was to be found on those premises. An undertaking was given to consider whether in these circumstances a dwelling-house should be exempt from the possibility of such entry and search. The Government reconsidered the position and concluded that we can dispense with the power to search without a warrant in urgent cases for dwelling-houses and for their pertinents. The possibility of urgent action will remain in hotels or commercial premises where delay in obtaining a warrant could allow the removal of incriminating evidence. Amendment No. 24 gives effect to that conclusion.

Moved, That this House do agree with the Commons in the said amendments—[Lord Glenarthur.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.