HL Deb 30 October 1986 vol 481 c867

[References are to [Bill 97] as first printed for the Commons] 1 Clause 1, page 2, line 25, at end insert— ( ) where an island or part of an island is not within the area of a salmon fishery district by virtue of subsections (1) or (2) above, include in the area of a salmon fishery district—

  1. (i) that island or that part; and
  2. (ii) the sea within three miles from mean low water springs on that island or that part;".

Lord Glenarthur

My Lords, I beg to move that the House do agree with the Commons in their Amendment No. 1. The purpose of this amendment is to enable the Secretary of State, after appropriate consultations, to bring islands which are not part of an existing salmon fishery district wholly within the area of an existing salmon fishery district. With the leave of the House, perhaps I may also speak to Amendment No. 48 which is purely consequential.

Moved, That this House do agree with the Commons in the said amendment.—(Lord Glenarthur.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.