HL Deb 19 May 1986 vol 475 cc1-2
Baroness Burton of Coventry

My Lords, I beg leave to ask the Question standing in my name on the Order Paper.

The Question was as follows:

To ask Her Majesty's Government whether it is intended to issue a special stamp to mark the marriage of Prince Andrew and Miss Sarah Ferguson on 23rd July and, if so, whether they will, if necessary, recommend to the chairman of the Post Office that 12p stamps be included.

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Trade and Industry (Lord Lucas of Chilworth)

My Lords, special stamp issues are a matter for the Post Office, which has announced that it will be making a special stamp issue to celebrate the Royal Wedding. I understand that this will include a 12 pence stamp.

Baroness Burton of Coventry

My Lords, is the Minister aware that I left this Question on the Order Paper because, although I knew the answer, I wanted to have the opportunity of thanking the chairman of the Post Office for having done this? May I hope that the Government will also thank the chairman of the Post Office? I also express the hope that for other special issues 12 penny stamps will also be included.

Lord Lucas of Chilworth

My Lords, I am most grateful to the noble Baroness for the first part of her supplementary question and I shall certainly be pleased to pass her gratitude on to the chairman and the board of the Post Office. As regards the second part of her supplementary question, I have to confess that I can offer no hope of 12 pence stamps being included in special issues, other than at Christmas, for the reasons which I have explained to your Lordships' House on a number of occasions.

Baroness Burton of Coventry

My Lords, is it not a pity that the Government cannot just be generous and thank the chairman of the Post Office for having done this?

Lord Lucas of Chilworth

My Lords, as I said originally, I shall convey the gratitude of the noble Baroness to the chairman and the board of the Post Office, adding to it, of course, the Government's thanks. On the second point, I can offer no hope because the Post Office board has indicated, as I have done to your Lordships' House, that there were problems associated with 12 pence stamp issues on other occasions.

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