Lords Sitting of 9 June 1986 Series 5 Vol. 476

  1. Preamble 22 words
  2. cc1-2
  3. Nuclear-Free Zones and Radiation Levels 335 words
  4. cc2-4
  5. Channel Tunnel: Employment Opportunities 1,015 words
  6. cc4-8
  7. Post Codes: Inclusion in Telephone Directories 1,619 words
  8. cc8-9
  9. London-Bournemouth: Rail Service 684 words
  10. c9
  11. Business 78 words
  12. c9
  13. Public Trustee and Administration of Funds Bill [H.L.] 16 words
  14. cc9-23
  15. Family Law Bill [H.L.] 7,696 words
  16. cc23-61
  17. Dockyard Services Bill 20,787 words, 2 divisions
  18. c61
  19. Building Societies Bill 12 words
  20. c61
  21. British Shipbuilders (Borrowing Powers) Bill 67 words
  22. cc61-70
  23. Consumer Safety (Amendment) Bill 4,707 words
  24. cc70-2
  25. Cutlery and Stainless Steel Flatware Industry (Scientific Research Levy) (Abolition) Order 1986 951 words
  26. cc72-112
  27. Dockyard Services Bill 19,952 words, 2 divisions
  28. c112
  29. Dyfed Bill [H.L.] 13 words