Lords Sitting of 23 June 1986 Series 5 Vol. 477

  1. Preamble 24 words
  2. cc1-2
  3. Natural Therapies and Student Grants 586 words
  4. cc3-4
  5. Complementary Medicine and VAT 880 words
  6. cc4-7
  7. Post Office-British Telecom Liaison 1,230 words
  8. cc7-9
  9. EC Presidency: UK Priorities 1,087 words
  10. c9
  11. Business 85 words
  12. c10
  13. Wages Bill 79 words
  14. cc10-1
  15. Civil Protection in Peacetime Bill 424 words
  16. c11
  17. Road Traffic Regulation (Parking) Bill 68 words
  18. cc11-2
  19. George Donald Evans and Deborah Jane Evans (Marriage Enabling) Bill [H.L.] 382 words
  20. c12
  21. Keith Owen and June Veronica Owen (Marriage Enabling) Bill [H.L.] 41 words
  22. c12
  23. John Ernest Rolfe and Florence Iveen Rolfe (Marriage Enabling) Bill [H.L.] 40 words
  24. cc12-26
  25. Social Security Bill 6,474 words
  26. cc26-31
  27. Invalid Care Allowance 2,502 words
  28. cc31-74
  29. Social Security Bill 24,315 words, 2 divisions
  30. c74
  31. Financial Services Bill 12 words
  32. cc74-108
  33. Airports Bill 17,463 words, 1 division
  34. cc109-43
  35. Social Security Bill 18,360 words, 1 division