Lords Sitting of 31 July 1986 Series 5 Vol. 479

  1. Preamble 21 words
  2. cc981-4
  3. Postal Charges 1,892 words
  4. cc985-6
  5. Horne Report: Implementation 597 words
  6. cc986-9
  7. Africa: Aid 1,445 words
  8. cc989-90
  9. HMS "Chrysanthemum" and HMS "President" 410 words
  10. c990
  11. Business 38 words
  12. cc990-2
  13. House of Lords Offices 799 words
  14. c992
  15. Housing and Planning Bill 121 words
  16. cc992-1004
  17. Rate Support Grants Bill 6,345 words
  18. cc1004-34
  19. European Communities (Amendment) Bill 16,478 words
  20. cc1034-46
  21. Southern Africa: Foreign Secretary's Visit 6,215 words
  22. cc1046-88
  23. European Communities (Amendment) Bill 23,514 words
  24. c1088
  25. Single European Act: ECC Report 46 words
  26. cc1088-9
  27. Adjournment 624 words
  28. c1089
  29. York City Council Bill [H.L.] 13 words
  30. c1089
  31. Mid Glamorgan County Council Bill [H.L.] 30 words