HL Deb 09 April 1986 vol 473 cc201-2
The Chairman of Committees (Lord Aberdare)

My Lords, I beg to move the Motion standing in my name on the Order Paper.

Moved, That the Standing Orders relating to Private Business be amended.—(Lord Aberdare.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.

The Chairman of Committees moved Amendments Nos. 1 to 50:

Standing Order 1

1. Leave out lines 4 and 5;

2. Leave out lines 31 and 32;

3. Line 38: leave out from "'London'" to "means" in line 39 and insert "except where the context otherwise requires,";

4. Line 39: at end insert "the term 'London borough' includes the City of London and the term 'council of a London Borough' includes the Common Council of the City of London:".

Standing Order 4A

5. Line 7: leave out second "local authority" and insert "borough";

6. Leave out lines 41 to 43.

Standing Order 5

7. Line 32: leave out from "to" to the end of line 33, and insert "a London borough as if it were a district.".

Standing Order 6

8. Line 12: leave out from "to" to the end of line 13, and insert "a London borough as if it were a district.".

Standing Order 16

9. Line 22: leave out from "councils" to the end of line 23, and insert ", metropolitan districts, or London boroughs, as the case may be.".

Standing Order 19B

10. Line 5: leave out "1948" and insert "1985".

Standing Order 25

11. Line 17: leave out from "means" to "the" in line 19.

Standing Order 27

12. Line 11: after "county," insert "metropolitan district, or London borough,";

13. Line 20: after "county," insert "metropolitan district and London borough";

14. Line 23: after "county" insert "metropolitan district, or London borough,";

15. Line 45: after "county," insert "metropolitan district, or London borough,";

16. Line 49: after "county," insert "metropolitan district, or London borough,";

17. Leave out lines 93 and 94.

Standing Order 36

18. Leave out lines 10 to 13 and insert "(a) any district in England and Wales other than a metropolitan district;".

Standing Order 40

19. Leave out Standing Order 40 (Deposit of certain Bills with Greater London Council.).

Standing Order 46

20. Line 12: leave out from "is" to second "the" in line 13.

Standing Order 47

21. Line 27: leave out from "are" to "districts" in line 28.

Standing Order 60

22. Line 5: leave out "Orders" and insert "Order";

23. Line 6: leave out "and 40", and leave out "those" and insert "that";

24. Line 7: leave out "Orders" and insert "Order".

Standing Order 61

25. Line 15: after "county," insert "metropolitan district, or London borough,";

26. Leave out lines 42 and 43.

Standing Order 63

27. Line 3: leave out "1948" and insert "1985";

28. Line 10: leave out "1948" and insert "1985".

Standing Order 66

29. Line 5: leave out "1948" and insert "1985";

30. Line 18: leave out "1948" and insert "1985".

Standing Order 83

31. Line 2: leave out "or Certificate".

Standing Order 95

32. Line 22: leave out "(3)" and insert "(2)".

Standing Order 97

33. Line 2: leave out from "38" to "the" in line 4;

34. Line 9: leave out from "38" to the end of line 10.

Standing Order 101

35. Leave out lines 16 and 17.

Standing Order 119

36. Line 1: leave out from beginning to third "the";

37. Line 3: leave out "the City or".

Standing Order 120

38. Line 3: leave out "(a)";

39. Line 5: leave out "or (b)" and insert "shall be entitled to be heard against the Bill.

(2) The council of any county, metropolitan district, or London borough alleging that their administrative area or any part thereof may be injuriously affected";

40. Line 8: leave out first "the county" and insert "that", and leave out second "the county," and insert "their administrative area,";

41. Leave out lines 10 and 11.

Standing Order 138

42. Line 3: leave out "district" and insert "area";

43. Line 12: leave out "district" and insert "area";

44. Line 15: leave out "district" and insert "area".

Standing Order 140

45. Line 14: after "this" insert "and the next following".

Standing Order 147

46. Line 4: leave out "Orders" and insert "Order", and leave out "and 40".

Standing Order 175

47. Leave out Standing Order 175 (Regulations as to Greater London Council (Money) Bill.).

Standing Order 176

48. Leave out Standing Order 176 (Limitation of powers of Committee on Greater London Council (Money) Bills.).

Standing Order 177

49. Leave out Standing Order 177 (Report from Treasury on certain Greater London Council (Money) Bills.).

Standing Order 216

50. Line 3: leave out "68" and insert "69".

The noble Lord said: My Lords, with the leave of the House, I beg to move en bloc amendments Nos. 1 to 50 to the Private Bill Standing Orders.

The great majority of these amendments result from the abolition of the Greater London Council and the metropolitan authorities. In particular, a number of the Standing Orders at present refer specifically to the Greater London Council, and these must obviously be amended. Most of the other amendments update references to the Companies Act. If your Lordships so wish, I can give details of the individual amendments. Otherwise, I beg to move Amendments Nos. 1 to 50 en bloc

On Question, amendments agreed to.