HL Deb 31 July 1985 vol 467 cc326-8
Lord Denham

My Lords, I must apologise for my breathlessness, because I was rather taken by surprise. It is traditional at this time of the year to say a few words and to wish Members of your Lordship's House a happy and restful holiday. I think we all probably need it more on this occasion than we did in previous years. From these Benches, I should like to wish all noble Lords in all parts of the House a very happy and restful Recess.

I think I speak for the whole House when I say that this year, even more than in earlier years, we have been well looked after by the staff in all parts of the House. They have made what has been a rather tiring Session that much easier by their continual kindness and help.

Noble Lords

Hear, hear!

Lord Ponsonby of Shulbrede

My Lords, slightly less out of breath than the noble Lord the Chief Whip, I should like very much to join with him in wishing noble Lords in all parts of the House a happy and restful holiday. I am sure that is something to which we have all been looking forward for some considerable period now.

I should also like to join with him in extending from this side of the House thanks to all the staff who have looked after us so well: the attendants, the security staff, the restaurant staff and those who work in the bars round the House. We have all appreciated very much their ministrations to us at late hours of the night.

Of course this is a time of year when members of the staff are retiring on reaching retirement age, and I should like to extend a particular vote of thanks and good wishes to those members of the staff who are retiring at this time.

Noble Lords

Hear, hear!

Lord Ponsonby of Shulbrede

My Lords, I can assure the noble Lord, the Chief Whip that when we return on 14th October—one week before another place, dare I say?—we shall be fighting strongly to see that the Transport Bill is transformed during that first week; and that he should be prepared, I regret to say, for another long and hard-fought Session. With those remarks, I wish all your Lordships a restful and happy Recess.

Lord Tordoff

My Lords, this is the first occasion on which I have had the opportunity to join in this little ceremony, and I am very grateful to do so. I personally have been thrown in at the deep end in a year in which there has been so much activity. I am grateful, therefore, for the support of both my leader and the former Chief Whip, who are beside me at the moment, and for the help that they have given me at this time.

It was suggested by one of them—and I shall not say which; your Lordships may be able to guess—that this is probably the only Motion that the noble Lord the Chief Whip has moved this year with a reasonable chance of success. I think that we are grateful to him for, among other things, introducing so many new faces into this House.

I certainly join with the remarks which have been made so far as the staff are concerned. We have had a very busy time. It has been hard work. It has been very trying. But certainly for the staff it has been even more hard work. We have asked them to do many things beyond the call of duty; and we are extremely grateful to them. Perhaps I may mention, as a symbol of that, our new Black Rod, who has moved into position extremely smoothly. We are all grateful to him for both his own efforts and those of his staff.

Like the noble Lord, Lord Ponsonby, we look forward to the battles to come on the Transport Bill which we certainly have not yet finished with. Perhaps noble Lords on the other side had better return from their holidays sooner than they normally do!

Let us not finish on an acrimonious note. It has been an interesting—and I think important—Session for your Lordships' House. It has been the first year with television. I think that the House has aquitted itself well there. The public outside certainly has an enhanced opinion of what goes on in this place. I think that that is to the credit of all noble Lords; and indeed all the staff. Let me join in the good wishes for a calm, restful and rejuvenating Summer Recess.

Lord Denham

My Lords, I beg to move that this House do now adjourn.