HL Deb 22 July 1985 vol 466 cc983-4
Baroness Lockwood

My Lords, I beg leave to ask the Question standing in my name on the Order Paper.

The Question was as follows:

To ask Her Majesty's Government when they expect the McColl Report on the review of the National Health Service limb and appliance centres to be available.

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health and Social Security (Baroness Trumpington)

My Lords, I understand that the working party expects to submit its report later this summer.

Baroness Lockwood

My Lords, I thank the noble Baroness the Minister for that rather brief and unreassuring reply. Can she indicate why there has been a delay in issuing the report, which I understand was to have been available in May? Is she aware that there is considerable disquiet in the artificial limb and appliance industry about the delay and about the possible effects of this report on the viability of the industry? Can she assure me that every effort will be made to speed up the publication of the report and to ensure that there will be adequate time to discuss possible recommendations for change with both the industry and the patient services?

Baroness Trumpington

My Lords, the working party has taken evidence from a wide range of interests. It has received more than 1,000 pieces of written evidence from voluntary, professional and other organisations concerned with the service, and also from users, individual doctors, therapists and manufacturers. A number of these have also given oral evidence. The amount of consultation that has gone on is one of the reasons the report has taken time, but we will consider whether further consultations are necessary when we have received the report.

Baroness Masham of Ilton

My Lords, perhaps I may ask the noble Baroness, who has had close personal experience with severe disability, whether, when the report comes out, she will do her very best to persuade her colleagues to be helpful and sympathetic to physically disabled people who need help in terms of appliances and other equipment.

Baroness Trumpington

My Lords, in answer to the noble Baroness, I am looking forward to visiting Roehampton in the near future and I shall certainly take on board her remarks.

Baroness Ewart-Biggs

My Lords, will the Minister assure the House that when the review report is being considered, the emphasis will be not so much on short-term economies and commercial concerns but rather on the long-term interests of both the patients and the industry?

Baroness Trumpington

My Lords, I am sure that the members of the working party are already aware of those facts, but I shall see to it that they hear the words of the noble Baroness.

Lord Ennals

My Lords, even before the noble Baroness visits Roehampton, does she accept that over many years the limb and appliance centres have done a very remarkable job for disabled and handicapped people, especially ex-Servicemen? Perhaps I may ask the noble Baroness two brief questions. First, can she give an assurance that the working party's report will be published? Secondly, can she give a further assurance that if the working party recommends that the work of these centres should be allocated to health authorities, the money will be there to enable the work to be effectively carried through?

Baroness Trumpington

My Lords, in answer to the first part of the noble Lord's question, we will consider the question of publication when we have received the report. In answer to his second question, I am unable to comment until the report has been received.

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