HL Deb 19 December 1984 vol 458 cc653-5
The Chairman of Committees (Lord Aberdare)

My Lords, I beg to move that the First Report from the House of Lords Offices Select Committee be agreed to.

I think the only item to which I should draw your Lordships' special attention is the third item in the report, which reads as follows: The Committee agreed that additional cloakroom facilities be provided for women peers and recommend the re-allocation of the small cloakroom next to the Printed Paper Office for this purpose". I beg to move.

Moved, That the First Report from the Select Committee be agreed to.—(Lord Aberdare.)

The report read as follows:

1. Appointment of Sub-Committees

The following members of the Committee were appointd to the Sub-Committees:

(a) Library Sub-Committee

With the Clerk of the Parliaments.

With power to co-opt further Lords.

(b) Refreshment Sub-Committee

With the Clerk of the Parliaments.

With power to co-opt further Lords.

(c) Works of Art Sub-Committee

With the Clerk of the Parliaments.

With power to co-opt further Lords.

(d) Computer Sub-Committee

With the Clerk of the Parliaments.

With power to co-opt further Lords.

(e) Staff of the House Sub-Committee

With the Clerk of the Parliaments and the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod.

With power to co-opt further Lords.

(f) Finance Sub-Committee

With the Clerk of the Parliaments.

With power to co-opt further Lords.

(g) Administration Committee

With the Clerk of the Parliaments and the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod.

With power to co-opt further Lords.

The Committee wish to record, on the occasion of the retirement of Viscount Eccles and Lord Darling of Hillsborough as Chairman of the Library Sub-Committee and Computer Sub-Committee respectively, their gratitude for the services they have rendered.

2. Black Rod

The Committee were informed that the Queen has approved the appointment of Air Chief Marshal Sir John Gingell to succeed Sir David House as Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod and Serjeant-at-Arms with effect from 14th January 1985.

The Committee agreed that Sir John Gingell be appointed additionally as Agent to the Administration Sub-Committee to carry out, on their behalf, the control of the accommodation and services in the House of Lords area of the Palace of Westminster.

The Committee wish to record, on the occasion of the retirement of Sir David House, their gratitude for the assistance that they have received from him during the seven years he has served as Agent to the Administration Sub-Committee.

3. Accommodation and Amenities

The Committee agreed that additional cloakroom facilities be provided for women peers and recommend the re-allocation of the small cloakroom next to the Printed Paper Office for this purpose.

4. Access to Steps of the Throne

The Committee recommend that those eligible to sit on the Steps of the Throne when the House sits should include the eldest daughters and granddaughters of Peers of Parliament who are heiresses presumptive to such Peers and grandsons of such Peers who are heirs apparent to their Peerages.

5. Parliament Office

The Committee were informed of the impending retirement of the Principal Clerk of Private Bills and instructed the Clerk of the Parliaments to convey to Mr. Euan Graham their warm appreciation of his long and valuable service to the House.

The Committee were also informed of the consequential staff changes that will follow Mr. Graham's retirement noting that Mr. J. M. Davies would succeed as Principal Clerk, Private Bill Office, and that Mr. P. D. G. Hayter would be appointed Principal Clerk of Committees.

The Committee also noted that Mr. A. Makower had been appointed Clerk to fill the post vacated by Mr. P. M. Rees.

6. Telephones

The Committee approved the current arrangements for replacing the Palace of Westminster telephone exchange and authorised provision to meet a proportion of the cost of installation and equipment.

7. Revised Scales of Pay and Allowances

The Committee confirmed the application of the following memoranda to applicable staff of the House of Lords:

CM/651 Revised rates of pay from 1st April 1984 affecting grades up to the rank of Chief Clerk.
CM/659 Revised rates of London Weighting from 1st
IM 84/6 October 1984.
IM 84/8 Revised rates of pay from 1st July 1984 affecting industrial grades in the Refreshment Department.
CM/652 Revised typing etc. proficiency payments from 1st April 1984.
CM/653 Revised responsibility allowances from 1st April 1984.
CM/655 Revised subsistence payments for meals and overnight accommodation payable to certain officials.

8. Uniform Allowances

The Committee approved revisions in the allowances paid to Clerks at the Table, the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod and the Yeoman Usher for the provision of items of court dress and in the uniform allowances paid to Doorkeepers.

10. Superannuation

The Committee were notified of the following awards made under the House of Lords' Staff Pension Scheme:

  1. (a) Revised preserved pension, lump sum and compensation for premature retirement to Mr. R. A. Devin, Assistant Accountant, who retired on 1st September 1984.
  2. (b) Revised pension and lump sum to Mr. A. F. Fryers, M.B.E., Higher Executive Officer, who retired on 31st July 1984.
  3. (c) Revised short service payment to Mrs. G. E. Armour, Personal Secretary, who resigned on 29th June 1984.
  4. (d) Revised short service payment to Mrs. S. Cooper, Personal Secretary, who resigned on 27th April 1984.
  5. (e) Revised short service payment to Mrs. D. A. Russell, Plate Room Assistant, who retired on grounds of ill-health on 7th July 1984.
  6. (f) Pension and lump sum to Mr. P. M. Rees, Committee Clerk, who retired on 1st October 1984.
  7. (g) Revised pension and lump sum to Mrs. C. Sampson, Housemaid, who retired, after re-employed service, on 14th October 1984.
  8. (h) Revised pension and lump sum to Mrs. J. Williams, Housemaid, who retired, after re-employed service, on 20th October 1984.
  9. (i) Pension and lump sum to Mrs. G. Reid, Plate Room Assistant, who retired on 8th September 1984.
  10. (j) Pension and lump sum to Mrs. R. A. Cameron, Pot Washer, who retired on grounds of ill-health on 28th November 1984.
  11. (k) Short service payment to Mrs. E. C. Botting, Personal Secretary, who resigned on 2nd November 1984.
  12. (l) Short service payment to Miss J. L. Coxall, Personal Secretary, who resigned on 16th November 1984.
  13. (m) Short service payment to Miss P. C. David, Personal Secretary, who resigned on 30th November 1984.
  14. (n) Supplementary death benefit to widower of Mrs. R. Russell, former Housemaid, who died on 9th September 1984.

On Question, Motion agreed to