Lords Sitting of 1 November 1983 Series 5 Vol. 444

  1. Preamble 23 words
  2. c425
  3. Lord Blanch 40 words
  4. c425
  5. Lord Ennals 36 words
  6. cc425-6
  7. Steel Productivity 735 words
  8. cc427-8
  9. Hospital Land: Proposed Sale 580 words
  10. cc428-31
  11. Agricultural Workers: Health and Safety 1,587 words
  12. cc431-3
  13. The Railway System: Investment 1,148 words
  14. c433
  15. Dinner 28 words
  16. c433
  17. Amusement Machines Bill [H.L.] 70 words
  18. c433
  19. Greater London Council (Money) Bill 11 words
  20. c434
  21. Standard Chartered Merchant Bank Bill 11 words
  22. c434
  23. Business of the House 62 words
  24. cc434-9
  25. Foreign Limitation Periods Bill [H.L.] 3,024 words
  26. cc439-523
  27. Grenada 46,368 words
  28. cc523-49
  29. Civil Defence (General Local Authority Functions) Regulations 1983 14,766 words
  30. c549
  31. Civil Defence (Grant) (Amendment) Regulations 1983 38 words
  32. cc549-50
  33. Civil Defence (General Local Authority Functions) (Scotland) Regulations 1983 40 words
  34. c550
  35. Civil Defence (Grant) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 1983 47 words