Lords Sitting of 8 December 1983 Series 5 Vol. 445

  1. Preamble 29 words
  2. cc1183-4
  3. EC Consumer Affairs Council December Meeting 762 words
  4. cc1184-6
  5. Fireworks: Sale Regulations 637 words
  6. cc1186-7
  7. EC Education Grants 590 words
  8. cc1187-9
  9. Red Deer Commission: Chairman 713 words
  10. c1189
  11. NHS Pharmaceutical Prices and Profits 42 words
  12. c1189
  13. Christmas Recess 52 words
  14. cc1189-201
  15. Televising of House of Lords Proceedings 6,966 words
  16. cc1201-8
  17. NHS Pharmaceutical Prices and Profits 3,492 words
  18. cc1208-53
  19. Televising of House of Lords Proceedings 26,117 words, 1 division
  20. cc1253-76
  21. Gas and Electricity Prices 12,952 words