HL Deb 29 October 1981 vol 424 cc1132-3

11 Clause 13, page 14, line 25, at end insert— ( ) he is a British citizen by virtue of registration under section A; or

The Commons disagreed to the above amendment but proposed the following amendment in lieu thereof:

12 Clause 13, Page 14, line 9, at end insert("(bbb) he is a British citizen by virtue of registration under section (Acquisition by registration: nationals for purposes of the Community Treaties); or")

Lord Belstead

My Lords, this is a second amendment related to Gibraltar, and I beg to move that this House agrees with the Commons in their Amendment No. 12. The broad effect of this amendment is the same as that of an amendment which we passed in your Lordships' House seeking to ensure that those registered under what we have come to know as the Gibraltar amendment are British citizens by descent. However, it is intended that the Gibraltar provision, as amended by the Commons, should appear after Clause 4 of the Bill instead of after Clause 9, as originally proposed. This change will, I understand, be made by the Public Bill Office.

This has affected Lords Amendment No. 29 (that is the amendment which we made on Report) in two ways. First, its place in Clause 13 has to be changed, since the subsections of that clause follow the sequence of the clauses in the Bill to which they relate. Secondly, the reference to the Gibraltar amendment in Lords Amendment No. 29 has to be altered so that it refers to that provision as amended in another place. My Lords, this really is an entirely technical matter. It does not in any way change the second Gibraltar amendment which we made in our proceedings. I beg to move.

Moved, That this House doth not insist on their Amendment No. 11, to which the Commons have disagreed, but agrees to Amendment No. 12 proposed by the Commons in lieu thereof. (Lord Belstead.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.