HL Deb 27 October 1981 vol 424 cc993-4

85 Clause 47, page 52, line 27, leave out ("of purchase").

86 Clause 47, page 52, line 32, leave out from beginning to ("the") in line 33 and insert— ("(4) Where a company enters into any contract approved under section 45 or (Contingent purchase contracts) of this Act or any contract for a purchase authorised under section 46 of this Act").

87 Clause 47, page 52, line 38, leave out from second ("the") to end of line 39 and insert ("purchase of all the shares in pursuance of the contract is completed or (as the case may be) the date on which the contract otherwise determines.").

88 Clause 47, page 53, line 26, leave out subsection (9) and insert— ("(9) The obligation of a company under subsection (4) above to keep a copy of any contract or (as the case may be) a memorandum of its terms shall apply to any variation of that contract so long as it applies to that contract.").

Lord Lyell

My Lords, on behalf of my noble and learned friend I beg to move Amendments Nos. 85 to 88. These amendments are consequential to earlier amendments to which he spoke. I beg to move.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said amendments.—(Lord Lyell.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.