HL Deb 19 October 1981 vol 424 cc665-6

189 Page 76, line 33, at end insert:

Spheniscus humboldti Humboldt penguin'

190 Page 77, line 37, at end insert:

'Penelope albipennis White-winged guan'.

191 Page 78, line 31, at end insert:

'Amazona arausiaca Red-necked parrot (otherwise known as Red-necked amazon).
Amazona barbadensis Yellow-shouldered parrot (otherwise known as Yellow-shouldered amazon)
Amazona brasiliensis Red-tailed parrot (otherwise known as Red-tailed amazon)'.

192 Page 79, line 13, at end insert:

'Cyclopsita diophthalma coxeni (otherwise known as Opopsitta diophthalma coxeni). Coxen's fig parrot'.

193 Page 79, line 32, at end insert:

'Rhynchopsitta terrisi Maroon-fronted parrot'.

194 Page 80, line 40, at end insert:

'Crocodylus acutus American crocodile'.

195 Page 81, line 15, at end insert:

Brachylophus Fijian iguanas
Cyclura Caribbean rock iguanas
Sauromalus varius San Esteban Island chuckwalla'.

196 Page 82, leave out lines 26 to 34 and insert:

'Cheloniidae Sea turtles'.

197 Page 84, line 23, at end insert:

'Apocynaceae Pachypodiumnamaguanum'.

198 Page 84, line 25, at end insert:

'Cactaceae 'Ariocarpus agavoides
Ariocarpus scapharostrus
Aztekium ritteri
Echinocereus lindsayi
Obregonia denegrii
Pelecyphora aselliformis
Pelecyphora strobiliformis'.

199 line 49, at end insert:

'Nepenthaceae Nepenthes rajah'.

200 Page 85, line 17, at end insert:

'Sarraceniaceae Sarracenia alabamensis alabamensis
Sarracenia jonesii
Sarracenia oreophila'.

The Earl of Avon

My Lords, with the leave of the House, I beg to move that this House doth agree with the Commons in their Amendments Nos. 189 to 200 en bloc. I have already spoken to these amendments. I beg to move.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said amendments.—(The Earl of Avon.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.