HL Deb 25 November 1981 vol 425 cc763-4
Lord Aberdare

My Lords, with some trepidation I beg to move the second Motion standing in my name on the Order Paper.

Moved, That, as proposed by the Committee of Selection, the Lords following, with the Chairman of Committees, be named of the Select Committee on Sound Broadcasting:—

That the Committee have power to adjourn from place to place and to report from time to time;

That two be the Quorum of the Committee;

That the Committee have power to appoint Specialist Advisers;

That the Committee have power to join with any Select Committee on Sound Broadcasting that may be appointed by the Commons;

That the Committee have power to agree with the Commons in the appointment of a Chairman for any joint meeting.—(Lord Aberdare.)

On Question, Motion agreed to: and a Message ordered to be sent to the Commons to acquaint them therewith.