Lords Sitting of 9 March 1981 Series 5 Vol. 418

  1. Preamble 22 words
  2. cc1-2
  3. ICI Scholarship Awards 252 words
  4. cc2-3
  5. UN Broadcasting Facilities 239 words
  6. cc3-4
  7. Legislation: Delay in Publication 605 words
  8. cc4-6
  9. USA and Convention on Law of the Sea 957 words
  10. c6
  11. Cable and Wireless 38 words
  12. cc6-14
  13. Gas Levy Bill 4,349 words
  14. cc14-8
  15. House of Commons Members' Fund and Parliamentary Pensions Bill 2,042 words
  16. cc18-22
  17. Cable and Wireless 2,139 words
  18. cc22-33
  19. House of Commons Members' Fund and Parliamentary Pensions Bill 6,623 words
  20. cc33-43
  21. Industry Bill 5,761 words
  22. cc43-56
  23. Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications and Deemed Applications) Regulations 1981 7,508 words
  24. c56
  25. Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications and Deemed Applications) (Scotland) Regulations 1981 48 words
  26. cc56-64
  27. Matrimonial Homes and Property Bill [H.L.] 4,381 words
  28. cc64-83
  29. Interpretation of Legislation Bill [H.L.] 11,020 words
  30. cc83-97
  31. Right of Residence: EEC Directives and ECC Report 7,749 words
  32. c97
  33. Greater London Council (General Powers) (No. 2) Bill 15 words