HL Deb 25 March 1981 vol 418 cc1160-2

2.46 p.m.

Lord Brockway

My Lords, I beg leave to ask the Question which stands in my name on the Order Paper.

The Question was as follows:

To ask Her Majesty's Government whether the summit meeting on North-South economic relations has been postponed.

The Earl of Avon

Yes, my Lords. The co-sponsors of the proposed Mexico Summit meeting have postponed the meeting from June, the date originally suggested, until 22nd and 23rd October.

Lord Brockway

My Lords, can the Minister confirm that this is due to the fact that President Reagan had declined to attend a meeting before the autumn and was supported in that by our Prime Minister? May I also ask: does not delay seriously prejudice the chances of success of the summit meeting?—because it was timed to take place in June before the meeting of the Western Heads of State in Canada in July, where its findings would have been the first item on the agenda. Without these preliminary discussions, is there not a danger that both sides may formulate conditions which will cause confrontation rather than co-operation?

The Earl of Avon

No, my Lords. We understand that the co-sponsors decided on postponement to meet the wishes of other participants to take part in substantive preparations for the summit, and to make it easier for the United States to attend. There will be a further preparatory meeting which will take place in Mexico at Foreign Minister level on 1st and 2nd August, and all the participants will be there.

Lord Whaddon

My Lords, is the noble Earl able to confirm that Chancellor Kreisky of Austria has invited the Soviet Union to attend? Further, is the noble Earl aware of any reply to that invitation? Also, is it a fact that China has indicated a readiness to attend but will not be invited if the Soviet Union attends? Is it not very desirable that both these countries should be present?

The Earl of Avon

My Lords, the sponsors have indeed invited China and also the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics. However, so far as the noble Lord's supplementary point is concerned—that one will not come if the other does—I have no advance knowledge.

Lord Hatch of Lusby

My Lords, is the noble Earl aware that this conference was originally planned for this month, then postponed until June and has now been postponed until October? Is he further aware that the Brandt Report has now been published for 12 months, which would give any Government the opportunity of preparing itself to make a response, and does it not suggest that this postponement is yet another example of the lack of political will which killed the Pearson Report over 10 years ago?

The Earl of Avon

My Lords, I cannot agree with the noble Lord's last supposition. I think all noble Lords will agree that conferences of this nature take a long time to set up, and unless they are set up with good preparation they are liable to stumble anyway. Therefore it is much better to have preparation of this nature.

Lord Brockway

My Lords, the Minister has said that the conference will last for only two days. Within that period is it possible for a thorough discussion to take place, resulting in recommendations? Would the Government urge that there should be a continuing procedure of negotiations, so that practical results can be achieved?

The Earl of Avon

My Lords, as I think I have tried to indicate already, the co-sponsors are working on the agenda and the preparatory work prior to the conference. The Foreign Secretaries' Meeting on 1st and 2nd August will greatly help on the road to preparation.

Lord Goronwy-Roberts

My Lords, apart from the meeting in August, which post-dates the meeting in June, may I ask the Minister to convey to his right honourable friend the feeling on both sides of the House that between now and June—if June is, in evitably, the date of this conference—there should be very close consultation with other participants in that meeting, particularly with the United States of America, whose presence and whose participation in such a conference, whenever it is held, is absolutely vital? May I repeat the point that between now and June there should be diplomatic and other close consultation with the prospective participants in the conference?

The Earl of Avon

My Lords, I am grateful to the noble Lord for his remarks on the subject, which know are very wise. I will indeed convey them to my right honourable friend, and I am sure that he will take note.

Lord Taylor of Gryfe

My Lords, is the Minister aware that the continued postponement of this conference causes great concern to British industry, since the Brandt Report is concerned not simply with aid but with the development of trade between North and South? The continued postponement can have serious consequences for industrial regeneration in this country.

The Earl of Avon

My Lords, I take note of the noble Lord's remark.