HL Deb 16 February 1981 vol 417 c483

Read 3a with the amendments.

Schedule 1 [Certain Supreme Court and county court officers, and president of Transport Tribunal]:

The Lord Chancellor (Lord Hailsham of Saint Marylebone) moved the following amendments: Page 27, line 2, leave out ("I") and insert ("II") Page 28, line 17, leave out ("I") and insert ("II").

The noble and learned Lord said: My Lords, your Lordships will see that there are two amendments which, with the permission of the House, I will take together. This refers to a simple error in a complex Bill. By some mistake the Bill contains the phrase "Part I of the Schedule" and it should be "Part II". The error was pointed out, I may say, by a member of the staff of Butterworths. It is a pure error, and I hope the House will forgive those who, through me, are responsible. My Lords, I beg to move that the said amendments be agreed to.

Lord Elwyn-Jones

My Lords, in view of what the noble and learned Lord has said, there does not seem to be a major question of principle arising from these amendments, and we have no objection.

On Question, amendments agreed to.

On Question, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons.