HL Deb 15 April 1981 vol 419 cc1022-3
Lord Denham

My Lords, with your Lordships' permission, I should like to refer again to the question that the noble Lord, Lord Wells-Pestell, asked me about the possibility of Statements being made in another place. I understand that there are now two such Statements likely to be made, one on telecommunications and the other on housing, but, in view of the fact that your Lordships' House will be rising—were I not speaking at this moment—at a quarter past two, it has been agreed by the usual channels that we shall not have an adjournment so that we can take these Statements in the House. With the leave of the House, I shall arrange for both Statements that are expected to be made in another place to be reproduced in the Official Report of this House.

Before I sit down, may I on behalf of noble Lords on these Benches wish noble Lords opposite and indeed in all parts of the House a happy Easter and a pleasant and restful Recess?

Lord Wells-Pestell

My Lords, I should like to thank the Government Chief Whip on behalf of myself and my noble friends behind me for the most accommodating way in which he has dealt with the suggestion and the question which I put to the noble Lord some two hours or so ago. We appreciate co-operation. We accept the position: it would be unrealistic to ask the House to stand adjourned until such time as we could take these Statements. We are grateful to the noble Lord for arranging for them to be published in the Official Report. I can with real sincerity say on behalf of myself and my noble friends behind me that we wish noble Lords a very good Easter and we shall be prepared to do battle with them when they return.

Lord Wigoder

My Lords, we should like to agree and reciprocate.

Following are the ministerial Statements referred to by the Lord Denham above: