HL Deb 14 April 1981 vol 419 c867

2.53 p.m.

Lord Aberdare

My Lords, I beg to move that the Third Report from the Select Committee be agreed to.

Moved, that the Third Report from the Select Committee be agreed to.—(Lord Aberdare.)

The Report was as follows:


A Report from the Library Sub-Committee for the year 1980 was laid before the Committee.


A Report from the Sub-Committee on the Staff of the House was received.


The Committee considered the fees payable on Judicial proceedings and Peerage Claims and approved a revision, with effect from 28th April 1981, as follows:—

(a) Fees on Judicial Proceedings £
Lodgment of Petition of Appeal 18
Entering Appearance 4
Issue of Order of Service 18
Return of Recognisance 18
Lodgment of Petition not referred to Appeal Committee 18
Lodgment of Joint Petition, from each Party thereto 10
Lodgment of Petition referred to Appeal Committee (including report thereon) 22
Application for Order on consent, in lieu of Petition 10
Lodgment of Case, including laying Case on the Table, entering Appeal in Cause List, Bar fee and Counsel attending 90
Lodgment of Joint Case, including laying Case on the Table, entering Appeal in Cause List, Bar fee and Counsel attending 180
Application to set down for Hearing 18
Petition to withdraw Appeal after setting down 18
Issue of Final Judgment 22
(b) Fees on Peerage Claims
Petition of Claimant 18
For each of the first 3 days on which the Committee for Privileges meets 45
For each subsequent day 65
Order for Attendance of a Witness 18
Resolution and Judgement 65
(c) Fees on Irish Peerage Claims
On presentation of Petition 18
Lord Chancellor's Report 18
Order made thereon 18


The Committee approved provision for the payment of revised subsistence allowances to delegates to International Assemblies.


The Committee approved a revised scale of fees for temporary reporting staff.


The Committee were notified of the following awards:—

  1. (a) Death gratuity to personal representative of E. F. Stanghon, deceased, former Attendant, who died on 25th October 1980;
  2. (b) Revised pension and lump sum to Mr. R. L. J. Pope, Judicial Doorkeeper, who retired on 13th May 1980;
  3. (c) Pension and lump sum to Mrs. J. E. Wheelwright, Cleaner, who retired on 14th February 1981;
  4. (d) Revised pension and lump sum to Mrs. A. Bellchambers, Cleaner, who formally retired on 17th June 1980;
  5. (e) Pension and lump sum to Miss E. P. H. Blake, Wine Waitress, who retired on 3rd January 1981;
  6. (f) Transfer value payment to Lothian Regional Council in respect of Miss S. R. Wilson, M.B.E., Superintendent, Refreshment Department, who resigned on 13th November 1980:
  7. (g) Revised pension and lump sum to Mrs. R. Heitman, Cleaner, who retired on 5th April 1981.

On Question, Motion agreed to.