HL Deb 21 October 1980 vol 413 cc1909-10

26 In the Title, line 5, after 'persons;' insert 'to dispense with caution as regards certain executors-dative;"

27 In the Title, line 7, after trustee; 'insert 'to amend provisions of the Judicial Factors Act 1849 and the Trusts (Scotland) Act 1961 relating to the actings of judicial factors;

28 In the Title, line 24, after 'marriages;' (c) vowed members of any religious order living in a monastery, convent or other religious community.'


My Lords, this amendment, No. 17, is consequential to Amendment No. 15. I beg to move.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said amendment.—(The Earl of Mansfield.)

insert 'to amend the provisions of the Prescription and Limitation (Scotland) Act 1973 relating to limitation of actions; to amend the law relating to the constitution and powers of the Scottish Solicitors' Discipline Tribunal; to make further provision as regards Scottish solicitors' clients' accounts; to enable amendments to be made to provisions of the Legal Aid (Scotland) Act 1967 relating to contributions from assisted persons;'.


My Lords, I beg to move Amendments Nos. 26 to 28 en bloc. These amendments make the appropriate amendments to the Long Title to cover the insertion in the Bill of new Clauses 5, 7, 8, 23, 24, 25 and 26. I beg to move.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said amendments.—(The Earl of Mansfield.)