HL Deb 01 July 1980 vol 411 cc227-8
The LORD CHANCELLOR (Lord Hailsham of Saint Marylebone)

My Lords, I rise to move that this Bill now be read a second time. The law of limitation was last consolidated in 1939. Since then there have been four important amending statutes as well as various amendments in other Acts. Amendments to facilitate a consolidation were made in the Limitation Amendment Act 1980 and this Bill, which is a pure consolidation, marks the end of a review of the law which has lasted nearly a decade. If given a Second Reading by your Lordships, this Bill will be referred, as usual, to the Joint Committee on Consolidation Bills. I beg to move.

Moved, That the Bill be now read 2a—(The Lord Chancellor.)


My Lords, I am sure that the House will welcome this piece of consolidation in a very difficult field. It is yet another indication of the urgency with which the process of consolidation is being tackled.


My Lords, I am much obliged to the noble and learned Lord.

On Question, Bill read 2a, and referred to the Joint Committee on Consolidation Bills.