HL Deb 14 April 1980 vol 408 cc69-70

Lord ELTON rose to move, That the draft order laid before the House on 24th March be approved. The noble Lord said: My Lords, as this is a consequential order, I beg to move it formally. The draft was laid before the House on 24th March. The order is consequential upon the Domestic Proceedings Order which makes fresh provision for matrimonial proceedings in magistrates' courts in Northern Ireland, which we have just discussed. It will be made under Section 38(2) of the Northern Ireland Constitution Act 1973 and provides for the making or enforcement of maintenance orders where different parts of the United Kingdom are involved or where some other country or territory is involved. In other words, it is a cross-border provision for orders which apply to people who have moved. It will ensure that when proceedings are taken in certain circumstances under the principal order effect will be given to them. For this reason the order is both necessary and worthwhile. I beg to move.

Moved, That the draft order laid before the House on 24th March be approved.—(Lord Elton.)