HL Deb 14 June 1979 vol 400 cc712-3

3.15 p.m.


My Lords, I beg leave to ask the second Question which stands in my name on the Order Paper.

The Question was as follows:

To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they will list the names of the persons and organisations which submitted views to the Government on the proposals in the Green Paper on British Nationality, published in April 1977.


My Lords, 253 persons and organisations have sent in comments on the Green Paper. I doubt whether your Lordships' House would consider the printing of a long list of names in the Official Report, most of them of private individuals, to be justified. If the noble Lord has a particular point in mind, perhaps he will let me know.


My Lords, it is gratifying to know that such a lot of interest has been expressed in the proposals contained in the Green Paper. I wonder whether, in the light of the Government's forthcoming legislation on nationality, the noble Lord will consider the suggestion that I made to the previous Administration, that at the very least a summary of the views expressed to the former Government should be published, so that we may have these in front of us when evaluating the present Government's proposals.


My Lords, I will consider the noble Lord's suggestion.


My Lords, in view of the great importance of any Bill for citizenship in this country and the great interest in this problem, as indicated by the noble Lord's reply, would it be possible for the Government to issue either a Green Paper or a White Paper of their views, so that there might be public consideration before the Bill is introduced? We now have no idea what the proposals of the Government are.


My Lords, we have already had a Green Paper from the previous Government. I am not sure what shade another Green Paper would take—possibly paler, but I hope not. For those reasons, I am sure that the noble Lord will understand me when I say that I am not sympathetic and my right honourable friend is not sympathetic to the issue of another Green Paper. But of course we will consider what the noble Lord has suggested regarding a White Paper.