HL Deb 02 July 1979 vol 401 cc9-10

My Lords, with the leave of the House, at a convenient moment after 3.30 p.m. my noble friend Lord Lyell will repeat a Statement being made in another place on the postal situation.

In addition, a Statement was made in another place on Friday last about business to be taken in the EEC Council of Ministers during July; I shall as usual, with the leave of the House, arrange for this to be made available in the Official Report.

It may also be for the convenience of your Lordships to know that dinner will be available this evening.

Following is the Statement on July business of the EEC Council of Ministers:

"With your permission, Mr. Speaker, I will make a Statement about the main business to be taken by Ministers in the European Community during July. The more detailed written forecast was deposited on 27th June. At present four meetings of the Council of Ministers are proposed for July.

"The Finance Council will meet on the 16th and is expected to discuss the general economic prospects of the Community with particular reference to the effect of oil price rises and more specific discussion of items remitted from last week's European Council.

"The Budget Council will meet on the 23rd and will establish the Draft General Community Budget for 1980.

"The Foreign Affairs Council will meet on the 24th. Ministers will again discuss the Commission's proposals for regulation of State aids to the steel industry. They will also discuss the outstanding points on the GATT Multilateral Trade Negotiations and the negotiations with China for an agreement on trade in textiles.

"The Agriculture Council will meet on the 23rd and 24th. It will resume discussion of the organisation of the market in potatoes and is also expected to consider agricultural structural problems in the Community."