HL Deb 11 December 1979 vol 403 cc966-8

2.55 p.m.


My Lords, following the Statement in another place on Friday, the House will know that the noble Lord the Leader of the House has been appointed Governor of Rhodesia. I know that my noble friend Lord Soames very much regretted that he was unable to announce to the House personally his appointment to the post of Governor of Rhodesia during the interim period up to the elections. He hopes that the House will extend its indulgence to him and will understand that the delicacy of the final negotiations concerning the ceasefire made it impossible for him to announce his appointment while the House was sitting. I am sure that I would be expressing the feelings of your Lordships from every part of the House if I were to say that we wish him every success in what can only be a difficult and formidable task. Our best wishes go with him.

My Lords, as a consequence of his departure, it falls to me as Deputy Leader to act as Leader during my noble friend's absence, in a state, as it were, of loco parentis. It is for this reason that the noble Lord the Lord Chairman of Committees has tabled a Motion to add my name to those Committees of the House of which the Leader is a member. If I might say so, I hope that your Lordships will be kind enough to extend your indulgence to me, too, as I temporarily slip into my noble friend's shoes as far as the House is concerned. I hope that on the occasions when I may inadvertently act in error, your Lordships will not hesitate—and I have no doubt that you will not—to inform me of any such indiscretion.


My Lords, I am sure that the House will be grateful for the Statement of the noble Earl, Lord Ferrers, about the Leader of the House. I am sure that the whole House will certainly wish to send good wishes and say "Godspeed" to the noble Lord, Lord Soames. He faces a great challenge, and we all hope that he will achieve success. May I say to the new acting Leader that he need have no inhibitions. I believe that he has all the qualities necessary for a Leader of the House: tact, calmness, and, most of all, a love of agriculture.


My Lords, from these Benches we should like to say that we believe that the appointment of the noble Lord, Lord Soames, as Governor of Rhodesia is a very good one indeed. It is a challenge appropriate to the noble Lord's experience and competence, and we wish him well in carrying out his new responsibilities. Of course the new acting Leader of the House will have full support when he is right, and a certain amount of sympathy when he is wrong, in carrying out his duties. However, may I ask him this. Since, as I understand it, a considerable number of parliamentary business decisions are taken in the Cabinet, will the noble Earl join that body during the temporary absence of the noble Lord, Lord Soames? I think that it would be for the better arrangement of the business of the House if the noble Earl were in the Cabinet during this period.


My Lords, I am very grateful to the two noble Lords for those kind words. I am bound to say that the question of the noble Lord, Lord Byers, is a fairly quick one to pose to a person in a new position, and all I can tell him is that whoever is a member of the Cabinet is a question for the Prime Minister, not for me.


My Lords, may I ask the noble Earl whether he will expedite that request of mine to the direct channels lower down in this Parliament?


I think that it would be presumptuous for me to do so, my Lords, but I have no doubt that others will take the noble Lord's views on board.

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