HL Deb 05 May 1978 vol 391 cc589-90

24 Clause 15, page 17, leave out from "those" to "general" in line 18, and insert "engaging in such employment as is mentioned in section 15(2) of the Medical Act 1956"

25 Page 17, line 24, at end insert "and this Act—"

26 Page 18, line 10, leave out from "visitors" to first "of" in line 12 and insert "appointed under section 9(1) or 15(3A) of that Act and inspectors appointed under section 10(3)"

27 Clause 16, page 18, line 22, at end insert "but, in relation to any person who is provisionally registered under section 17 of that Act immediately before this section conies into operation, the said section 15 shall continue to have effect as if this section had not been passed."

28 Page 18, line 33, leave out from beginning to "such" in line 34, and insert—

"(b) that the combination of posts which he has held while so employed was"

29 Page 19, line 19, leave out from beginning to "with" in line 22 and insert—

"(c) a combination of posts which is accepted by their examining body as providing persons who have held the posts comprised in the combination"


My Lords, I beg to move that this House doth agree with the Commons in their Amendments Nos. 24 to 29. In speaking to Amendments Nos. 24 to 29, I seek your Lordships' permission to speak to Amendments Nos. 45 and 65. They are Amendments to clarify drafting. There is nothing more in them than that. They have become essential for clarification purposes and, subject to anything the noble Lords, Lord Sandys and Lord Hunt, have to say—I know they have gone into this— I beg to move.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendments.—(Lord Wells-PestelL.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.