§ The CHAIRMAN of COMMITTEES (Lord Aberdare)My Lords, I beg to move that this report be now agreed to. In doing so, there is only one point which I ought to draw to your Lordships' attention; namely, paragraph 3, regarding the use of computers. The committee approved a proposal to computerise for Parliamentary use certain existing statistical records about the membership of the House, and they also agreed that it 1803 would be valuable to include in the computer database information about Peers' specialised knowledge and experience.
The proposal is that noble Lords will be circularised and asked what particular specialised knowledge or experience they care to allow us to put on to the computer. This would be useful for manning committees, for debates and for other purposes. I beg to move.
Moved, that the Second Report from the Select Committee be agreed to.—(Lord Aberdare.)
§ The Report was as follows:
Lord Denham was appointed to the Finance and Refreshment Sub-Committees in the place of Earl St. Aldwyn.
The Committee agreed to extend the Parliament Office Sub-Committee's terms of reference to include Black Rod's staff. The Committee propose that the Sub-Committee should in future be known as "The Sub-Committee on the Staff of the House".
The Committee agreed that the quorum of Sub-Committees should be reduced from three to two members.
The Committee approved a recommendation from the Administration Sub-Committee on the format of the Official Report (Hansard) when it is published in due course on A4 size paper.
The Committee approved a proposal to computerise certain existing statistical records about the membership of the House for Parliamentary use.
The Committee also agreed that it would be valuable to include in the computer database information about Peers' specialised knowledge and experience. Peers will be invited to provide this information on a form to be circulated by the Chairman of Committees, and will be shown a print-out of the entry against their name so that they can be satisfied about its accuracy.
The Committee will review the working of this database in a year's time.
The Committee agreed a proposal to contribute, for a trial period, to the Post Office's Viewdata information service. They also agreed to the Installation, in the Library, of a Viewdata terminal.
The Committee approved provision for the payment of the costs of staff training and expenses arising out of the installation of this and other computer based information services.
The Committee agreed a proposal to issue a weekly bulletin about House of Lords' business. The Administration Sub-Committee will consider the content of the bulletin for publication.
A Report from the Library Sub-Committee for the year 1977 was laid before the Committee and agreed.
The Committee approved a recommendation that the Library should have access to the British Library's Automated Information Service (BLAISE) and to the British Library's Local Cataloguing Service (LOCAS).
The Committee approved the creation of additional posts of Library Clerk and Information Clerk.
A Report from the Sub-Committee on the Parliament Office was received.
The Committee agreed to the regrading of a Chief Clerk's post in the Overseas and European Office to Principal Clerk and of the Accountant's post.
The Committee approved the payment of additional fees for Committee work.
The Committee recommend that superannuation benefits to Clerks of the Parliaments should, in future, be provided by the House of Lords and not by the Civil Service Department.
The Committee were notified of the following awards:—
§ On Question, Motion agreed to.