HL Deb 27 June 1978 vol 394 c286

[No. 66.]

Schedule 5, page 114, leave out lines 8 to 17 and insert—

'In section 3 for the words "rules made under section 13" substitute the words "Judgment Enforcement Rules".

In section 9(3) for the words "a Judge of the High Court" substitute the words "the Court of Appeal".

In section 9(4) for the words "Judge of the High Court" substitute the words "High Court or the Court of Appeal".

In section 16(1) —

  1. (a) in the definition of "appropriate authority" for the words "Minister of Home Affairs" substitute the words "Lord Chancellor";
  2. (b) in the definition of "Master" for the words "for the enforcement of judgments' substitute the words "(Enforcement of Judgments)" and for the words "designated officer" substitute the words "Judicial Officer (Enforcement of Judgments)".'


My Lords I beg to move that this House doth agree with the Commons in their Amendment No. 66. This Amendment makes changes to the Payments for Debt (Emergency Provision) Act (Northern Ireland) 1971 which are all consequential on changes made elsewhere in the Bill but the 1971 Act is not changed in any substantive way.

Moved That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendment.—(The Lord Chancellor.)