HL Deb 24 July 1978 vol 395 cc723-4

67 Schedule 2, page 52, line 17, leave out Part IX of the Schedule.

The Commons disagreed to this Amendment and proposed the following Amendments to the words so restored to the Bill:

68 Schedule 2, Page 52, leave out lines 20 and 21.

69 Schedule 2, Page 52, leave out line 30 and insert— ("and 13. The functions under section 14 except so far as exercisable in relation to property held by or on behalf of the Assembly or by a company all of whose shares are so held or by a wholly owned subsidiary of such a company. The functions under section 19(7) and (8).")

70 Schedule 2, Page 54, line 23, leave out ("and 48")

71 Schedule 2, Page 52, line 23, leave out lines 26 to 31 and insert("The functions under paragraphs 46 to 50 of Schedule 3 so far as exercisable by virtue of representations made by excepted statutory undertakers. The powers under paragraph 53 of Schedule 3 so far as their exercise is incidental to functions which remain exercisable by a Minister of the Crown.")

72 Transfer lines 22 on page 52 to 38 on page 54 to Part VIII of Schedule 2 to the Bill.

6.21 p.m.

Baroness ELLES

My Lords, I beg to move that this House doth not insist on their Amendment No. 67, to which the Commons have disagreed, but disagree with the Commons in their Amendments Nos. 68 to 72 to the words so restored to the Bill. I believe that these are consequential on an earlier debate.

Moved, That this House doth not insist on their Amendment No. 67, to which the Commons have disagreed, but disagree with the Commons in their Amendments Nos. 68 to 72 to the words so restored to the Bill.—(Baroness Elles.)

Baroness ELLES

My Lords, I wonder whether I may intervene here, because I am not sure about the consequences of past proceedings. Earlier on, when I moved Amendments Nos. 43 to 50, which were voted on, they included rejecting Amendments Nos. 68 to 72 which were put forward by the Commons. I just wanted to make quite clear that the Amendments which were put forward by the Commons, Nos. 68 to 72, were in fact voted on when we voted on earlier Amendments. I wanted to be sure that that was correct, and that we had not left the Bill in any state of disarray.