HL Deb 20 July 1978 vol 395 cc575-6

94 Schedule 10, page 49, line 14, at end insert ("or, in the case of the mouth or entrance of the River Tweed, up to the limit fixed under the Tweed Fisheries Amendment Act 1959 and the Salmon Fisheries (Scotland) Act 1863.")

The Commons disagreed to the above Amendment for the following Reason:

95 Because it is unnecessary to make special provision for the River Tweed.


My Lords, I beg to move that this House doth not insist on their Amendment No. 94 to which the Commons have disagreed for the Reason No. 95. My Lords, at last we reach the Tweed Box which I have no doubt many of your Lordships have been waiting to hear about. The Government have been in long correspondence with Mr. Alan Beith, the Liberal Member of Parliament in another place, about the effect of devolution on the Tweed Fisheries. The Government were persuaded to accept representations from that source and moved Amendments to Schedule 2 in this House at Report stage. These Amendments—to which the Commons have now agreed—put beyond doubt that the Scottish Assembly will not be able to legislate for those parts of the Tweed system lying in England. The Amendments fully meet the main concerns which have been expressed by Mr. Beith and, through him, by the Northumbrian Water Authority and the Northumberland Fishermen's Federation.

However, we understand that fresh fears have been created by the wording of Amendment No. 94 which is quite a minor Amendment. It was proposed by the Government after it had been agreed in principle by Mr. Beith and those in correspondence with him. But when the Amendment was looked at in detail in its drafting they felt that its wording carried a suggestion that the Assembly will additionally be able to legislate in respect of the part of the Tweed Box South of the Border. We do not think that is so but we do not see that it is necessary to pursue the wording of this Amendment against the wishes of those concerned. I hope that the House will accept that view and I beg to move.

Moved, That this House doth not insist on their Amendment No. 94 for the Reason numbered 95.—(Lord McCluskey.)