HL Deb 27 July 1977 vol 386 c1075

134 Clause 87, page 81, line 21, after "treaty" insert "international".

135 Clause 87, page 81, line 23, leave out from first "of" to end of line 28 and insert "section 5 above.".

136 Clause 87, page 81, leave out lines 32 to 36 and insert "those purposes".

137 Clause 87, page 81, line 38, after "protectorate" insert "and".

138 Clause 87, page 81, line 39, after "and" insert "every".


My Lords, these Amendments have been referred to earlier. I beg to move that this House doth agree with the Commons in their Amendments Nos. 134 to 138 en bloc.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendments.—(Lord Oram.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.