HL Deb 04 July 1977 vol 385 cc11-2
The LORD CHANCELLOR (Lord Elwyn-Jones)

My Lords, I understand that no Amendments have been set down to this Bill and that no noble Lord has indicated a wish to move a manuscript Amendment or to speak in Committee. Therefore, unless any noble Lord objects, I beg to move that the Order of Recommitment be discharged.

Moved, That the Order of Recommitment be discharged.—(The Lord Chancellor).


My Lords, may I ask one question before we part with this? We have just given a First Reading to a Bill from the Commons with exactly the same Title, except that it is an Amendment Bill. This is a Consolidation Bill. I merely want to ask the noble and learned Lord what relationship the two Bills have to one another; and, if indeed the Bill from the Commons is an Amendment Bill, whether it would not at some stage, and probably at this stage, be wise to include in the Consolidation Bill which is now going through this House any provisions which become law in the Amendment Bill.


My Lords, I understand that the Bill to which the House has given a First Reading does involve Amendments which will be relevant to the present Consolidation Bill. My understanding is that when this Bill is referred to another place the Consolidation Bill, with which we are presently dealing, will be amended there to take account of the new Bill. The noble and learned Lord may feel that that is a satisfactory way to deal with what is purely a consolidation measure.

On Question, Motion agreed to.