HL Deb 08 October 1976 vol 374 cc1660-1

11.25 a.m.


My Lords, I beg leave to ask the Question which stands in my name on the Order Paper. In so doing I should like to say that of course the last words should read, "ordered by President Amin for counter-insurgency purposes". The word, "purposes" was omitted in error.

The Question as printed on the Order Paper was as follows:

To ask Her Majesty's Government whether the co-called "communications equipment" recently exported from Luton Airport to Uganda was in fact equipment specially ordered by President Amin for counter-insurgency.


My Lords, I believe that the noble Lord is referring to the consignment exported from Stansted Airport on 22nd September. This was a private commercial transaction not subject to licence and we do not know the purpose for which the equipment was ordered.


My Lords, while thanking the noble Lord for that reply, may I take it that nevertheless the Government will do everything possible to discourage anything that might help this appalling man to perpetuate his stranglehold on the unfortunate population of Uganda?


My Lords, the noble Lord can certainly take it that we shall continue to apply stringently the terms of the order which requires licence for the export of military equipment to any country.


My Lords, is the noble Lord in a position to say what the equipment was?


Yes, my Lords, I am actually. The equipment consisted of two vehicles in which were installed a radio transmitter and a range of radio receivers. Neither of the vehicles was bulletproof.


My Lords, is the noble Lord saying that no export licence of any sort was needed for those items?


Quite, my Lords. The very reputable firm concerned, of course, like other firms, satisfied itself that the transaction came outside the provisions of the order. However, there was a Press report whereupon the Customs and Excise authorities themselves had a good look at this and found that it was absolutely all right within the terms of the order.