HL Deb 22 November 1976 vol 377 cc1691-2

7 Schedule 2, page 81, leave out lines 19 to 30.

8 Schedule 2, page 82, line 12, leave out ("a shiprepairing company")

9 Schedule 2, page 82, line 42, leave out paragraph 3.

The Commons insist on their disagreement to the above Amendments but propose the following Amendments in lieu thereof:

10 Page 21, line 40, leave out "Part I" and insert" paragraph 1, 3 or 4".

11 Page 21, line 41, leave out "fulfilled the conditions in Part II of that Schedule" and insert—

  1. "(a) fulfilled the conditions in Part II of that Schedule, and
  2. (b) fulfilled the condition specified in subparagraph (b) of paragraph 5 of that Schedule as being for the purposes of that paragraph shipbuilding companies, manufacturers of slow speed diesel marine engines or training companies,"

12 Page 21, line 43, at end insert— (2A) Subject to the provisions of this Part of this Act, on the shiprepairing industry vesting date all securities of the companies which on that date were known by the names specified in paragraph 2 of Schedule 2 to this Act, being the companies other than any excepted company which on that date—

  1. (a) fulfilled the conditions in Part II of that Schedule, and
  2. (b) fulfilled the condition specified in subparagraph (b) of paragraph 5 of that Schedule as being shiprepairing companies for the purposes of that paragraph
shall, by virtue of this section, vest in British Shipbuilders free from all trusts and incumbrances.

13 Page 77, line 15, after "Shipbuilders "insert" by virtue of section 19(2) of this Act"

14 Page 77, line 16, at end insert" and (c) in relation to a company which becomes, or would but for the provisions of section 27 of this Act become, a wholly owned subsidiary of British Shipbuilders by virtue of section 19(2A) of this Act, the shiprepairing industry vesting date;

15 Page 77, line 34, at end insert— "shiprepairing industry vesting date" means such date not less than 3 nor more than 6 months after the passing of this Act as the Secretrary of State may by order made by statutory instrument specify for the purposes of section 19(2A) of this Act;

16 Page 80, line 44, at beginning insert— 1. The companies whose securities are to vest in British Shipbuilders under section 19(2) above as being shipbuilding companies for the purposes of paragraph 5 below are:—

17 Page 81, line 18, at end insert— 2. The companies whose securities are to vest in British Shipbuilders under section 19(2A) above as being shiprepairing companies for the purposes of paragraph 5 below are:—

18 Page 81, line 31, at end insert— 3. The companies whose securities are to vest in British Shipbuilders under section 19(2) above as being manufacturers of slow speed diesel marine engines for the purposes of paragraph 5 below are:—

19 Page 82, line 1, at end insertߞ 4. The companies whose securities are to vest in British Shipbuilders under section 19(2) above, as being training companies for the purposes of paragraph 5 below are:—


My Lords, I beg to move that this House doth agree with the Commons in their Amendments Nos. 10 to 19 inclusive en bloc in lieu of the Lords Amendments Nos. 7 to 9 inclusive on disagreement with which the Commons have insisted.

Moved, That the House doth agree with the Commons in their Amendments Nos. 10 to 19 en bloc in lieu of the Lords Amendments Nos. 7 to 9, on disagreement with which the Commons have insisted.—(Lord Melchett.)