HL Deb 22 November 1976 vol 377 cc1697-8

12 Page 3, line 38, leave out "progressive" and insert grant or"

13 Page 3, line 39, leave out first "the" line 41, leave out from "patients"

14 to "and" in line 43.

15 Page 3, line 44, leave out "the"

16 Page 3, line 46, leave out from "patients" to end of line 2 on page 4.

17 Page 4, line 38, after "the" insert "grant or"

18 Page 5, line 6, after "the" insert "grant or"

19 Page 5, line 21, after second "the" insert "grant or"

20 Page 5, line 36, after "be" insert "granted or"

21 Page 5, line 38, after "necessary" insert "grants or"

22 Page 6, line 42, leave out from "granted" to end of line 45 and insert "or"

23 Page 6, line 48, at end insert "or subsection (4) below, or on a temporary basis by virtue of subsection (5) below."

24 Page 7, line 3, leave out from "granted" to "to" in line 6 and insert "or"

25 Page 7, line 7, at end insert "or subsection (4) below, or on a temporary basis by virtue of subsection (5) below."

The Commons disagreed to these Amendments for the following Reason:

26 Because the Amendments represent a significant departure from the proposals announced on 15th December 1975.


My Lords, with the leave of the House, I beg to move that this House doth not insist on their Amendments Nos. 12 to 25 en bloc, to which the Commons have disagreed for the Reason numbered 26. This is similar to a Reason given earlier. I want to take the same point as I took before; that is, we have been through Goodman Proposals time and again and I think that no useful purpose would be served by covering that ground again. Therefore the Commons state that they are unable to accept the Amendments because they represent a significant departure from the proposals announced on 15th December, 1975.

Moved, That this House Both not insist on the said Amendments to which the Commons have disagreed.—(Lord Wells-Pestell.)


My Lords, we are not going to insist on these Amendments. Here again we have gone over the ground in great detail on both Committee and Report.

On Question, Motion agreed t[...]