HL Deb 15 November 1976 vol 377 cc973-5

2.46 p.m.


My Lords, I beg leave to ask the Question which stands in my name on the Order Paper.

The Question was as follows:

To ask Her Majesty's Government whether in the even of an outbreak of rabies the organisation described in the guidelines issued to local authorities to control an outbreak is now set up throughout the country and whether the equipment listed in the same document is available.


My Lords, I understand that the great majority of local authorities have now completed the preparation of their contingency plans or have them well advanced. Some equipment is already available and procurement is continuing. With a view to co-ordination and economy, some equipment is being pooled between neighbouring authorities.


My Lords, while thanking the noble Lord for that Answer, may I point out that these guidelines went out in June. Also, may I ask him whether he considers that local authorities have not had sufficient time to do this right throughout the country? May I also ask whether he does not consider that implementation of the dog warden scheme at the same time as this might be of great help throughout the country, for the collection of strays in the event of an outbreak.


My Lords, the Ministry of Agriculture has a programme of purchasing necessary equipment to hold in readiness for a rabies outbreak. Only vital items will be purchased; that is, those which would not be immediately available for hire or purchase at the time of an outbreak. The Ministry maintains a record of sources of equipment to be acquired at the time of an outbreak, and this information is available to local authorities. With regard to stray dogs, of course this is one of the matters which would be implemented should there be a rabies outbreak.


My Lords, may I ask my noble friend whether he agrees that the penalties against the illegal importation of animals are sufficiently severe?


My Lords, the penalties are, of course, £400 on summary conviction and an unlimited fine or imprisonment up to a year on indictment. I think the question of whether they should be made more severe is one for consideration, and this will certainly be borne in mind.


My Lords, while I fully appreciate the situation so far as equipment is concerned, I should like to press the Minister little further. How many councils have not completed their organisation? When I asked my supplementary question, I had hoped that I should get a greater amount of detail as to how many councils had done so, but in his supplementary reply the Minister ignored that. May I press him to say how many councils have completed their organisation and how many are still outstanding?


My Lords, I cannot give the noble Lord an exact breakdown, but I would emphasise that contingency planning is a continuing process which will be kept under constant review. As recently as last week, officials of my Department and the Department of Health and Social Security met again with representatives of local authority and police associations to review progress and to discuss future action.


My Lords, may I ask my noble friend whether it would be too much to ask the Department to recircularise those authorities which have not yet sent in the returns about which the noble Lord is so concerned?


My Lords, that I am sure is a suggestion which we shall consider, but I do not think that it is necessary because the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food is keeping in close touch and working closely with all the local authorities. I should like to emphasise to the House that these are precautionary measures. The Government's policy is to keep rabies out of the country. There has not been a single case of rabies since 1970 and there will not be one, provided that we can control the import of dogs and cats.