HL Deb 15 November 1976 vol 377 c1013

51 Clause 11, page 14, line 3, leave out "the cargo-handling zone "and insert" a dock labour scheme area,"

The Commons disagreed to this Amendment for the following Reason:

52 Because they would exclude areas within which work should be capable of being considered for classification.


My Lords, I beg to move that this House doth not insist on their Amendment No. 51 to which the Commons have disagreed for the Reason numbered 52 but propose in lieu thereof the Amendment to page 14, line 3, set out on the Manuscript List.

Moved, That this House doth not insist on the said Amendment, to which the Commons have disagreed, but agree to the following Amendment in lieu thereof: Page 14, line 3, leave from "premises" to end of line and insert "situated in a definable dock area".—(Lord Oram.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.