HL Deb 17 March 1976 vol 369 cc224-5

3.5 p.m.


My Lords, I beg leave to ask the Question which stands in my name on the Order Paper.

The Question was as follows:

To ask Her Majesty's Government what reply they have made to the proposal forwarded from the Falkland Islands that the Legislative Council should be composed of eight elected members, two ex-officio members and the Governor, and that the voting age be 18 years.


My Lords, Her Majesty's Government have agreed to the constitutional changes recommended by the Falkland Islands Legislative Council, and intend to implement them as soon as possible.


My Lords, while welcoming that Answer, may I ask the Minister whether he agrees that the extension of democracy will increase the self-respect and self-confidence of the people of the Falkland Islands, in meeting the rather controversial issues which are likely to arise in the near future?


Yes, my Lords.

Viscount THURSO

My Lords, can the noble Lord give us any inkling of what is meant in this instance by the words "as soon as possible "?


My Lords, we are anxious not to postpone the implementation of these changes, which have been asked for by the Falkland Islanders, for longer than is necessary. The noble Lord will, of course, recall that there will be a General Election in the Falkland Islands in May, and it seems to us appropriate that these changes should then be the subject of discussion and confirmation by the popular vote. Secondly, my noble friend Lord Shackleton has rendered very great service to the Islands by visiting them and reporting back on certain economic possibilities to help the islanders. These recommendations are now expected fairly soon. They may require further constitutional changes for their implementation. For those two reasons, it therefore seems that we should postpone the implementation, at least for the next few months.

Viscount THURSO

My Lords, am I to take it from the noble Lord's Answer, therefore, that the implementation has been postponed pending further discussion, or have Her Majesty's Government agreed that this is the figure which is to be implemented after the General Election?


My Lords, there will be no further discussion. It seems right that, as a General Election is coming in the Islands, they may wish to discuss this among themselves and no doubt confirm it; and there is the added reason which I have given, in relation to Lord Shackleton's visit and report. As to the figure, my noble friend Lord Brockway—inadvertently, I am sure—put down in his Question the figure of eight, but it is an increase in the elected members of the Legislative Council from four to six. That will, of course, give an elected majority on the Legislative Council.