HL Deb 17 June 1976 vol 371 c1384

3.29 p.m.

The CHAIRMAN of COMMITTEES (The Earl of Listowel)

My Lords, I beg to move that this Bill be now read a third time.

(Moved, That the Bill be now read 3a.— (The Earl of Listowel.)


My Lords, I think that my noble relative has gone slightly astray. He referred to the River Darwent. The part of the river which both he and I know and of which we are very fond is called the Darwent, but it is not affected by this Bill. The other part of the same river, which, for some reason I have never been able to understand, is affected by this Bill is called the Derwent.

The Earl of LISTOWEL

My Lords, I must apologise to my noble relative if my pronunciation of this important Title is not correct. I am sure he is right.

On Question, Bill read 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons.