HL Deb 14 April 1976 vol 369 cc2148-9
The LORD CHANCELLOR (Lord Elwyn-Jones)

My Lords, I beg to move the amendments to Judicial Standing Orders standing in my name on the Order Paper. These amendments are consequential upon the Third Report from the Offices Committee to which your Lordships' House agreed yesterday. I beg to move.

Moved, That the following amendments be made to the Standing Orders regulating Judicial Business, the amendments to take effect on 27th April next:—

Standing Order VI

Paragraph (1)

In sub-paragraph (a), line 2, leave out ("one") and insert ("two").

In sub-paragraph (b), line 1, leave out ("five hundred") and insert ("one thousand").

In sub-paragraph (b), line 4, leave out ("five hundred") and insert ("one thousand").

In sub-paragraph (c), line 3, leave out ("five hundred") and insert ("one thousand").

In sub-paragraph (c), line 5, leave out ("five hundred") and insert ("one thousand").

Paragraph (2)

Line 15, leave out ("five hundred") and insert ("one thousand").

Standing Order XIV

In the Schedule of Fees

Line 2, leave out ("4") and insert ("10").

Line 3, leave out ("1") and insert ("2").

Line 4, leave out ("4") and insert ("10").

Line 5, leave out ("4") and insert ("10").

Line 6, leave out ("4") and insert ("10").

Line 7, leave out ("2") and insert ("5").

Line 9, leave out ("6") and insert ("12").

Line 10, leave out ("2") and insert ("5").

Line 13, leave out ("26") and insert ("50").

Line 16, leave out ("46") and insert ("100").

Line 17, leave out ("4") and insert ("10").

Line 18, leave out ("4") and insert ("10").

Line 19, leave out ("6") and insert ("12").—(The Lord Chancellor.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.