HL Deb 20 October 1975 vol 364 cc1179-80

[No. 12]

In subsection (1), in line 8, leave out ("rules of conduct") and insert ("practical guidance").


My Lords, in another place there was discussion as to whether the words "rules of conduct" should remain in the Bill. These are words that were in the Houghton Amendment, and after debate it was agreed that the words "practical guidance" should be inserted in place of the words "rules of conduct". The noble Lord, Lord Goodman, in Amendment No. 14A uses these very words. I hope therefore that since the noble Lord and I stand together I need say nothing further in support of this Amendment. I beg to move.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in their Amendment No. 12 to the Lords Amendment No. 10. —(Lord Shepherd.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.