HL Deb 11 November 1975 vol 365 cc1674-5
The CHAIRMAN of COMMITTEES (The Earl of Listowel)

My Lords, I beg to move the Motion standing in my name on the Order Paper.

Moved, That the Standing Orders relating to Private Business be amended as follows:—

Leave out Standing Order 121 and insert—

121.—(1) There shall be committed to an Unopposed Bill Committee—

  1. (a) every Private Bill against which no Petition has been presented, or if presented has been withdrawn, or which has become unopposed by reason of any of the provisions of Standing Order 113, except any Bill as respects which the Chairman of Committees has in pursuance of Standing Order 92 reported to the House that in his opinion it should be proceeded with as an Opposed Bill;
  2. (b) on recommitment, every Opposed Private Bill in respect of which a report has been made from a Select Committee that the Bill should be allowed to proceed, provided that no decision taken by such 1675 a Select Committee may be varied by an Unopposed Bill Committee.

(2) Each Unopposed Bill Committee shall consist of the Chairman of Committees and such Lords as think fit to attend.—(The Earl of Listowel.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.

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