HL Deb 31 October 1974 vol 354 cc162-3

My Lords, I beg to move the Motion standing in my name on the Order Paper. I think I should say a few words in explanation of this long Motion. Its purpose is to enable Private Bills which did not complete their progress through Parliament in the last short Session to be reintroduced this Session, and to be passed pro forma through all the stages which they had already reached. This will relieve Promoters and, and in some cases, Petitioners of the expenses and fees which they would otherwise have to meet.

The House will remember that I norm-! ally move an appropriate Motion before the Summer Recess. I was unable to do so this year, owing to the uncertainty which existed at that time about the duration of the last Parliament. A similar Motion has been agreed to this afternoon in another place. My Lords, I beg to move.

Moved, That the Promoters of the following Private Bills, namely:

Crouch Harbour Bill,

Eastbourne Harbour Bill,

Port of Tyne (North Shields Fish Harbour) Bill,

Torquay Market Bill,

River Wear Barrage Bill,

which originated in this House in the last Parliament but had not received the Royal Assent shall notwithstanding anything in the Standing Orders or practice of this House have leave to introduce the said Bills in the present Session and the Petitions for the Bills shall be deemed to have been deposited and all Standing Orders applicable thereto shall be deemed to have been complied with.

Every such Bill shall be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Parliaments not later than 5 o'clock on the 5th November next with a declaration annexed thereto signed by the Agent concerned stating that the Bill is the same in every respect as the Bill at the last stage of the proceedings thereon in this House in the last Parliament.

That the proceedings on such Bills shall in the present Session be pro forma only, in regard to every stage through which the same shall have passed in the last Parliament, and that no new fees be charged to such stages.

That all Standing Orders complied with in respect of any Bill which originated in the House of Commons in the last Parliament shall be held to have been complied with in respect of any Bill presented in that House in the present Session provided that the Bill is the same in every respect as that which was presented in the last Session and where the Examiner has already reported that the Standing Orders have been complied with in respect of any such Bill, he shall report only whether any further Standing Orders are applicable.—(The Earl of Listowel.)

On Question, Motion agreed to, and a Message ordered to be sent to the Commons to acquaint them therewith.