HL Deb 12 June 1974 vol 352 cc490-1


Revised Rules

(1) In each Session until the Recess at Whitsun one day (normally a Wednesday) is set aside each month for two debates each of a maximum duration of 2½ hours.

(2) The right to propose subjects for these debates is reserved to Back Benchers and Cross Benchers.

(3) Motions for Short Debates are entered in Part II of No Day Named and any motions so entered shall qualify for selection by ballot. No Lord may have more than one motion at a time standing in his name in Part II of No Day Named.

(4) The purpose of these debates is to provide a forum for discussion rather than questions which the House may decide on a Division. Motions should not, therefore, be couched in a form to provoke a challenge.

(5) The choice of the two subjects for debate on the selected day is by ballot. This is carried out by the Clerk of the Parliaments on a day which is announced in advance three or four weeks before the debates are due to take place.

(6) It is assumed (unless notice to the contrary is given to the Clerk of the Parliaments) that any Lord who has a motion down in Part II of No Day Named on the day of the ballot is willing and able to move his motion on the day appointed.

(7) When a motion has been set down for a particular day, it may be amended in form but not in substance (i.e. a Lord who has been successful in the ballot may not substitute another subject for that originally proposed).

(8) No Lord who has already initiated one Short( Debate may enter anothet motion in Part II of No Day Named in the same Session.

(9) If the period of 2½ hours allowed for a debate is interrupted by other business, e.g. a Ministerial Statement, the time limit is extended by the time taken by the interruption. In such circumstances the new time limit is announced from the Government Front Bench at the end of the speech following the interruption.

(10) The speakers' list is prepared in the usual way after consultation through the usual channels and with the mover of the motion.

(11) At about 20 minutes before the end of the debate, whoever may be speaking is expected to give way to the Minister so that the House may hear the Government reply.

(12) Pursuant to S.O. 35A, on the expiry of the time limit, if the debate is still continuing. the Clerk at the Table rises and the Lord on the Woolsack brings the debate to an end by inquiring whether the mover of the motion wishes to withdraw his motion; or by putting the Question.

On Question, Motion agreed to.

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